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Showing posts from February, 2018

News Blast #2: Testing Reminders!

PT News Blast! Please remember that your deadline to take and receive scores for the GRE and your required New York State Certification exams for your subject area is April 29, 2018 . All PTs must take the EAS (Educating All Students) and the appropriate CST (Content Specialty Test) for their subject area. Please check the score report dates for your required tests, and be aware that in order to obtain scores by 4/29, some tests must be taken by March 4. If you are unsure which CST you need to take, please refer to your subject area guides, sent to you in your initial offer letter, or linked below: English Math Science Social Studies English as a New Language Special Education Special Education - District 75 Special Education - elementary PTs: You should be registering to take the CST: Multi-Subject - Teachers of Childhood (Grades 1-6) English as a New Language PTs: In order to obtain your Transitional B certificate and begin teaching in the fall, you must

News Blast #1: Welcome to the Weekly PT News Blast!

Welcome to your weekly PT News Blast! Beginning today, and then repeating every Monday for the remainder of the program, you will find your weekly PT News Blast posted here in your Google Classroom. This newsletter is designed to keep you informed of the most important information and upcoming "to-dos." These news blasts are all archived in the topic "PT News Blast" and are easily searchable so you can always refer to information from a prior newsletter. Please note that though we will try to be as comprehensive as possible in these news blasts, you should continue to refer to your syllabi and handbook for pertinent information and continue reaching out to your CC, LC, and LI with questions. Departure from SBS (for those attending SBS at Life Sciences Secondary School) Please ensure that you depart Life Sciences Secondary School no later than 7 p.m. during SBS sessions. The building closes at this time and we want to be respectful to our hosts! Gateway 1 Gateway